Dos and Don’ts of Blogging

February 7, 2023
Dos and Don’ts of Blogging

Grab A Pen and Notebook, You’ll Want to Take Notes

Have you ever wondered what the key to success is when it comes to blogging? It’s not all about just having a great idea and writing it up; it’s also about understanding the “dos and don’ts of blogging.” In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for blogging and how to create content that resonates with your readers. From crafting the perfect headline to promoting your content, we’ll cover the essential tips and tricks to ensure your blog is the best it can be. Let’s get started!

Dos of Blogging

Blogging is an amazing way to share your story, captivate your audience, and establish meaningful connections with your readers. To make sure your blog stands out and encourages readers to come back for more, there are a few key elements to consider. Here are the top 5 dos for creating a successful blog that brings value to your readers.

1. Do Research on Your Topic

Doing research on the topic of your blog post is an essential step before you start writing. Taking the time to dig into the details of the subject will help you gain a better understanding and create a more informed and comprehensive post. Researching the topic of your blog post can help you uncover new ideas, perspective, and facts to include in your post. It may also help you identify potential keywords and phrases to use in your post which can help to increase its visibility in search engine results. Doing thorough research on the topic of your blog post will also make the writing process easier and more enjoyable.

2. Write Compelling Headlines

Writing compelling headlines is another key component on the “Dos of Blogging” list. This is because headings are the first thing a reader will see and can make or break their interest in continuing to read. Crafting interesting headlines that contain relevant information is a must for any successful blog. It’s important to think about keywords and the overall message you are conveying in the headline. Writing headlines that engage readers and provide an accurate snapshot of the content of your blog will help to draw in more viewers and encourage them to stay on your page. Additionally, it’s important to keep headlines concise and to the point, as readers on the internet most often skim content.

3. Develop an Outline

Developing an outline for your blog post is another essential step in great blogging. It helps you to identify and focus on the key points you want to make, while also keeping your post organized and on track. When outlining your blog post, it’s important to think about what topics and ideas you want to cover, as well as how you want to structure the post. This can help ensure your blog post is clear and concise, and that readers will be able to follow along easily. Additionally, having an outline of your post can help you to create a timeline and prioritize the tasks you need to complete in order to finish your blog post.

4. Use Visuals

Visuals can be a powerful tool in any blog post. They can draw the reader in and help to convey information in an easy-to-understand format. Images, videos, and graphs can be incredibly engaging and can keep readers interested in your post. For example, images can help to break up a large amount of text, making it easier to read and more visually appealing. Videos can be used to explain complex topics that might be difficult for readers to grasp in a written format. And graphs can be used to clearly illustrate trends or points that you are trying to make.

5. Promote your Blog Post

Once you’ve written your blog post, don’t forget to share it on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Doing so will help you expand your reach, giving your post the potential to be seen by a larger audience. Additionally, you can share your post on other external platforms like Reddit and Quora, which can help you reach an even wider audience and get more engaged readers. As a blogger, your goal should be to get your post seen by as many people as possible, and external platform promotion is an essential part of that. It may take a bit of extra effort, but the potential rewards can be invaluable when it comes to boosting your blog’s visibility.

Don’ts of Blogging

Like any other style of writing or publishing, there are certain things you should avoid when blogging. To help you out, here are the top 5 don’ts of blogging.

1. Don’t Try to Write Perfect Blog Posts

When you write a blog post, perfection should not be your goal. It’s impossible to create the perfect post every time, and it can consume a lot of time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere. Instead, focus on creating content that is interesting and informative for your readers. Not only will it be more enjoyable for them to read, but it will also help you generate more content at a faster rate and keep your blog top of mind for your audience.

2. Don’t Forget to Proofread

Proofreading your posts before publishing them is one of the most important steps to great blogging. Taking the time to double check for spelling and grammar errors will help make sure your content is polished and professional. Credibility is key when it comes to blogging, and proofreading will help foster trust between you and your readers. If a post is full of typos and mistakes, it can be distracting and cause readers to lose interest. So don’t forget to proofread before hitting that “publish” button—it could make all the difference!

3. Don’t Ignore SEO

If you’re serious about blogging, you can’t ignore SEO. Using the right keywords in your post titles and content can make all the difference when it comes to getting your blog posts seen. For new bloggers, it’s especially important to focus on keywords with low keyword density. This will give you the best chance of ranking high in search engine results, making sure that your blog posts get the attention they deserve. However, it’s important to remember that SEO isn’t just about keywords – it’s also about creating content that is engaging, well-written and tailored to the audience you’re hoping to reach.

4. Don’t Copy Content

As a blogger, it is your responsibility to ensure that all content published on your blog is original. Plagiarism is a serious and unacceptable offense that can have dire consequences for your reputation. Not only is it a form of stealing from the original author, but it also shows a lack of respect for their hard work and dedication. To ensure that all of the content on your blog is original and authentic, never copy someone else’s work. Instead, take the time to write it yourself or hire a professional writer to create custom content for you. By taking the time to create original content, you will help protect your reputation and show your respect for the original author.

5. Don’t Forget About Internal & External Linking

When it comes to great blogging, internal and external linking can be absolutely vital. Links help readers to navigate your website, and they allow you to connect with other websites, providing more opportunities for readers to find your content. Internal linking is a great way to keep readers engaged, as they can click through to other pages on your website. External links provide a gateway to other websites, allowing readers to find out more about the topics you’re discussing. This can also be beneficial for SEO, as it increases the chances of your content being seen by search engines.


Following these simple Dos and Don’ts of Blogging is key to creating a successful and engaging blog for your readers. When writing, be sure to keep them in mind. Moreover, never overload your audience with too much information, as this can be daunting and off-putting. Additionally, be sure to be respectful of your audience and use language that is informative, creative, and friendly. Finally, make sure you are consistent in your posting schedule and take the time to respond to comments and engage with your readers. With these guidelines in mind, your blog can be both successful and enjoyable for both you and your audience.

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  • Jimmy Clare February 13, 2023 at 8:17 pm

    don’t forget that data may not be accurate in google search console compared to google analytics.

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